For children in kindergarten to age 9.
The child must be turning 6 by the end of the year.
UPDATED 2024: Our Clubhouse Kids program consists of weekly themes focusing on a specific character, personal, or social value. We believe that these values are important to develop. By instilling them at a younger age, the children can practice and flourish in them as they grow older.​ Our 3-year curriculum is organized under our “Head – Heart – Hands” approach. Each week is a standalone theme and does not require having attended previous weeks. Children will learn these themes through projects and activities or through friendly reminders during teachable moments throughout the week. We love seeing children develop while having fun!
CURRICULUM (See below)
YEAR ONE - HEAD: Building Mental Wellness
YEAR TWO - HEART: Building Healthier Relationships
YEAR THREE - HANDS: Building Stronger Communities
*Due to licensing regulations, we can only accept 5-year old children if they are turning 6 by the end of the calendar year.
**We consider age 9 a bridging year between our kids and preteens program. Families with 9-year-old children can choose either program.
YEAR ONE (2024)
Week 1: Attitude Check
Week 2: Changed Inside Out
Week 3: Good and Bad Anger
Week 4: Confidence
Week 5: Truth and Consequences
Week 6: Self-Esteem
Week 7: Overcoming Disappointment
Week 8: Joy
9:00AM - 9:30AM
Each day starts with our free play stations. Free play allows social interaction and skills development, such as conflict resolution, language development and making friends! We have different stations for the campers to explore. It also provides families running late a buffer, so their children do not miss our scheduled activities.
10:15AM - 11:00AM
Campers will then gather for a short conversation and/or activity on the weekly theme. Sometimes we sit in a circle. Sometimes it’s a game. Sometimes there are worksheets to complete. We employ different teaching techniques to engage the children with the weekly theme at our "circle time." While this is a direct teaching moment, leaders will also reinforce the theme throughout the week with camper interactions.
12:00PM - 12:45PM
Lunch is an important time of the day! From chatting around the lunch table to playing outside on the playground, we provide opportunities for children to develop friendships and social skills. Please also note that we strive to be a nut-free zone.
3:30PM - 4:00PM
Our day ends with free play stations to allow for early pick-up by families who need it.
9:30AM - 10:15AM
Our structured program begins with gathering the campers for a short welcome and check-in. We invite them to share about what's going with thier lives. We also will review the rules, schedule, and expectations.
We then have our morning snack.
11:00AM - 12:00PM
Each day, we will have a different mid-morning activity for the campers in their small groups. The activities vary daily as we want the children to explore and master various areas of interest. While the type of activities may be repeated, the actual activity is not repeated later in the summer. Each week is a different experience!
12:45PM - 3:30PM
Our afternoon activities typically occur off-site except for Mondays where we stay on-site in order to get to know all of our campers better on their first day. Activities may include library visits, swimming, ice skating, bowling, etc. We travel to our activities via public transit or chartered school buses. Camp fees include all transportation and activity fees.

For preteens age 9 to 13.
The preteen must not have started high school yet.
UPDATED 2024: Our Clubhouse Preteens program consists of weekly themes focusing on a specific leadership value. Unlike the Clubhouse Kids program, we discuss our themes from a leadership perspective, whether or not the preteen is in a leadership position. We believe that preteens can be leaders of today, not just tomorrow. Our 3-year curriculum is organized under our “Head – Heart – Hands” approach. Each week is a standalone theme and does not require having attended previous weeks. Preteens will learn these themes through projects and activities or through friendly reminders during teachable moments throughout the week. We love seeing preteens develop while having fun!
CURRICULUM (See below)
YEAR ONE - HEAD: Developing Leadership Skills
YEAR TWO - HEART: Developing Interpersonal Skills
YEAR THREE - HANDS: Developing Collaborative Skills
*We consider age 9 a bridging year between our kids and preteens program. Families with 9 year-old children can choose either program.
**We accept 13-year-old children in their grade 7 summer.
YEAR ONE (2024)
Week 1: Confidence #1
Week 2: Ethics #1
Week 3: Integrity #1
Week 4: Optimism #1
Week 5: Confidence #2
Week 6: Ethics #2
Week 7: Integrity #2
Week 8: Optimism #2
9:00AM - 9:30AM
Each day starts with our free play stations. Free play allows social interaction and skills development, such as conflict resolution, language development and making friends! We have different stations for the campers to explore. It also provides families running late a buffer, so their children do not miss our scheduled activities.
10:15AM - 11:00AM
Campers will then gather for a short, interactive conversation on the weekly theme. We employ different teaching techniques to engage with the campers. While this is a direct teaching moment, leaders will also reinforce the theme throughout the week with their camper interactions and group projects.
12:00PM - 12:45PM
Lunch is an important time of the day! From chatting around the lunch table to playing outside on the playground, we provide opportunities for children to develop friendships and social skills. Please also note that we strive to be a nut-free zone.
3:30PM - 4:00PM
Our day ends with free play stations to allow for early pick-up by families who need it.
9:30AM - 10:15AM
Our structured program begins with gathering the campers for a short welcome and check-in. We invite them to share about what's going with thier lives. We also will review the rules, schedule, and expectations.
We then have our morning snack.
11:00AM - 12:00PM
Following the group session, the preteens will work on their group projects. Aside from having fun and learning a thing or two, these are great times for the preteens to practice their team skills and values. Group projects may include filmmaking, photography, or simple programming (via iPads).
12:45PM - 3:30PM
Our afternoon activities typically occur off-site except for Mondays where we stay on-site in order to get to know all of our campers better on their first day. Activities may include library visits, swimming, ice skating, bowling, etc. We travel to our activities via public transit or chartered school buses. Camp fees include all transportation and activity fees.

For teens age 13 and 14.
The teen must currently be a high school student.
UPDATED 2024: Our Clubhouse L.I.T. (Leaders In Training) is a brand new personal and leadership development program designed for junior high students age 13 and 14. Each day will consist of a mentoring session with a senior staff member and opportunities to shadow and serve alongside another staff member. Upon acceptance into the program, we require students to take the Clifton StrengthsExplorer assessment.
Eligibility: To be eligible, students must have attended a minimum of 3 weeks in our Clubhouse Preteens camp last summer, 4 weeks over the past two summers, or 6 weeks over the past 3 summers.
Future Volunteer/Employment: L.I.T. student leaders who complete a minimum of 3 weeks in a single summer will be eligible to apply for volunteering or employment one year earlier than the posted minimum age.
Portfolio: Throughout the weeks, L.I.T. student leaders will be developing a portfolio with various pieces such as their StrengthsExplorer assessment, worksheets and assignments, written observations, and formal mentoring notes. This portfolio will be reviewed together at the end of each intern's final day. The portfolio will be reviewed if they apply for early acceptance for volunteering or paid employment.
Fee: A nominal fee will be charged to help offset the costs of each intern's participating in our off-site activities. Any training-related costs are covered.
How to Apply: Parents can apply on their child's behalf through their Clubhouse website account (login at the top of the page). Unfortunately, due to limited spots, not all applicants may be accepted.